Don't let distance stop you from being together.
Who may file Form I-129F?
You may file this petition if you are a U.S. citizen and:
- You and your fiancé(e):
- Are legally free to marry and intend to marry within 90 days of your fiancé(e)’s admission to the United States; and
- Have met each other in person within the two years immediately before you filed this petition, unless you establish that either:
- The requirement to meet your fiancé(e) in person would violate strict and long-established customs of your fiancé(e)’s foreign culture or social practice and that any and all aspects of the traditional arrangements have been or will be met in accordance with the custom or practice; or
- The requirement to meet your fiancé(e) in person would result in extreme hardship to you; or
- You have filed or are filing Form I-130 on behalf of your spouse and wish to have your spouse enter as a nonimmigrant to await the immediate availability of an immigrant visa and to file for adjustment of status.
NOTE: If you have children with your beneficiary, they might have acquired U.S. citizenship through you. Check the U.S. Department of State (DOS) website at for more information.
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